Halloween 2023: American Witchcraft - on 35mm film

This was a super fun endevor for me to take on this halloween season. I used to shoot film in highschool and a few years after, so I decided to break out my old Canon AE1 camera and a roll of film for some daytime shots. I used to use Lomogroaphy films and the classic Kodak Portra 400 but I decided to try this new Cinestill 400 film, it's 36 exposures and has a slight purple hue to the shadows, I think the photos came out pretty neat. I did some post editing in Lightroom because a few were a bit underexposed but that could just be the auto-aperture on my lens, which I haven't cleaned since 2017, who knows... I hope you enjoy these, I love them a lot! - Canon AE1 Camera (1976) / Cinestill 400 35mm film


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